Dobradeiras de Painel

Eleve a eficiência com a automação proporcionada por nossas soluções totalmente elétricas
- Custo por peça de até 10%(1) mais baixo que o mercado, explorando nossa tecnologia completamente servo elétrica.
- Excepcional flexibilidade, graças às múltiplas configurações e tamanhos mesmo com pequenos lotes de produção e perfis complexos de dobra.
- No topo da categoria de processamento de materiais de até 4 mm(2) com alta precisão e repetibilidade aprimorada pela tecnologia DABA(3).
(1) Calculado sobre o Custo Total de Propriedade, com base em análises de dados internos. (2) Até 3,2 mm de aço carbono, 2,5 mm de aço inoxidável, 4 mm de alumínio (referente a EBe). (3) DABA: Ajuste Dinâmico do Ângulo de Dobra.
FBe Fast Bend
Solução de dobragem semiautomática para produção simples, flexíveis e acessíveis
BCe Smart 2220
Ergonomia e inteligência disponíveis para o operador.
BCe Smart+
Nova paneiladora semiautomática para aumentar a sua flexibilidade e produtividade com o equilíbrio certo
Centro de dobragem BCe
Dobrador de painéis semiautomático que combina flexibilidade e produtividade
Dobrador expresso EBe
Produtividade impulsionada ao máximo.
Família de produtos
Saiba como uma tecnologia de Dobragem de Painéis da Prima Power participaram do sucesso de uma empresa
A look at the technology behind turnkey organic poultry plants
SKA srl manufactures poultry systems for organic free-range farming with high levels of product customisation by taking advantage of innovative Prima Power technology.
Order and efficiency drive productivity, from first cut to finished product
Astra was founded just short of thirty years ago as the result of an innovative instinct which proved successful in just a few years: that stainless steel would become the technological material of the future.
Deluxe sheet metal processing
The construction phase of the new Biohort manufacturing site in Herzogsdorf (Upper Austria) lasted just over a year. With cutting-edge industry standards and optimised process cycles, the specialist for storage space solutions created new resources for further growth with new Plant 2, an addition to its Neufelden headquarters.
Prima Power EBe Express Bender Increases Productivity & Quality at Georgia Job Shop
When Randy Williams opened his job shop, he was already a seasoned fabricator. “I grew up with metal fabrication,” explains Williams. “My dad was an aerospace engineer who built trampolines part-time when I was 10 years old, and I helped build parts in the basement. His business evolved into making ferris wheels and other portable amusement rides, but eventually the liability insurance became too challenging for the small company.”
Why a metal fabricator jumped into panel bending
FlexMet continues to change its manufacturing focus, now with a new bending tool. A new product focus and a desire to automate bending are just two of the reasons that FlexMet, Franklin, Tenn., operates a panel bending machine instead of relying on more press brakes for its bending needs.
Schulthess Maschinen - The power of three
The eco-efficient cell with panel bender, press brake and industrial robot.
Most organizations today claim sustainability is one of their core values, yet it is not so common to find companies that are able to set better standards for environmental protection with their products. Schulthess Maschinen AG is one of these few game changers, thanks to its exceptionally energy-efficient washing machines and dryers.